You've just cast your love spell, you have hopes and are quite excited that you might soon meet the love of your life or discover that someone you already know is the one. What do you do next?
If you sit at home and wait you probably won't be meeting them very soon. Where can you go? What can you do?
First things, first. Ensure that you are practicing meditation or visualisation, this will facilitate the continued connection with the source of the magick that you have used for your spell. The reason for doing this is to provide that when the source gives you a nudge, such as an idea to go shopping or to go to a particular park, then you'll know to go there because it's the spell working.
Second things, second. Actually go there! Make the effort to go out and then once you're there follow your intuition and do what you feel you are drawn to do. If you're not sure just find a seat or a bench and sit for a while until you are drawn to go to the next place. Or go to a place you find inspiring wherever you are and lose yourself in that place until you feel the urge to move on.
Third things, third. Smile and keep your head up. This ensures that your energy is attractive and that should you happen across someone in a similar state you may well connect. If you are feeling down then you may find that just going to somewhere you love will provide the boost you need to raise your energy level.
Fourth things, fourth. Interact with people, you'll know if you are connecting even if the conversation doesn't flow directly. Having continued your connection with the source you will will intuitively know in your interactions whether you are connecting. It may be love at first sight or it may take longer to build the connection.
Anyway, after you've cast your love spell, to help it work you need to take intuition based action and get out there and interact with others. You might well be advised to do this with a best friend in tow or at least tell someone where you're off to if you are nervous of going out alone.