There is no limit to love, there is no scarcity of love, the more love you give the that returns to you.
Now that's an easy love spell!
There is no limit to love, there is no scarcity of love, the more love you give the that returns to you.
Now that's an easy love spell!
If you want love then be brave, step out and speak you desires.
On this day when many are remembering loved ones lost to hate. Remember that all greatness stems from love, unconditional love.
I've been a fan of Michael Webb for years. And its not
because he has been on Oprah and 500 other TV and
radio shows.
It is because he genuinely wants to help people have the best
possible relationships and gives really fantastic advice.
His collection of lovemaking books is OUTSTANDING.
He covers pretty much all the topics and does so without
ever being raunchy or crude. No wonder more than 10,000,000 are in circulation.
This week only he is discounting them 85%. Its the bargain
of the decade.
Check it out here: Michael has never put his products on sale before like this and I doubt he ever will again. He is doing it this one time for this special cause. Check it out!
For some synchronistic good habit development visit My Easy Love Spells
This is a lovely spell that will help bring abundance into your life in whatever form you are seeking. It involves green candles, the moon phases, visualisation and manifestation.
My latest blog, enjoy.
Dr Connie Schottky is a great leader in many fields. Here she shares the way that she found her husband and true love. She talks about giving too much of yourself in a relationship and how you can find balance by receiving again.
Check it out she's awesome!
Make it part of your every action to give without thought of receiving; the rewards for doing so far outweigh any inconvenience.
The way I view Love Spells is that they are requests for what you want. Where a love spell fails it can often be put down to being too specific in your request. You cannot bend people to love you, you must be living a life of love to attract live. You cannot decide for someone else who to love only for yourself.
Check out the article for more information.
Well there's a question! The answer . . . you will know ;)
Maybe Jack Nicholson's character in As Good As It Gets knows the answer . . ."You make me want to be a better man." or Dr Suess, he definitely knows a lot . . . "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
However you know, it really is a wonderful feeling and there's so many types of love too. There the familial love of parents for children and vice versa. There's the exciting crush on someone where you don't know if they feel the same. Then when you first get together with someone what a rush that is! When you settle into a relationship it's the lovely comfort of the familiar spiced up sometimes with the surprises your partner delivers, the magickal love treats that you'll treasure as memories forever. You'll know when you are truly in love and only you will know . . . a word to the wise, being in love with someone is even better when there are no rules about how much they love you back.
ccording to Filipino folk belief, gayuma is a love potion that is used to attract a mate. The potion's magical property is said to work best when taken by the potential partner, often mixed in a drink. As with any other mystical folk item, the effectiveness of a gayuma only works if the caster believes in its power. The use of gayuma today is usually associated with failed courtship, unrequited love, or secret admiration.
It is interesting how every culture has it's own version of love spells and love potions. All we want, all we need, is love.
You can find more on unconditional love through an article I have written, it's listed as part of my Love Spell Resources page.
In loving someone fully with all your heart you allow yourself to open up. In opening up you allow that person to see you greatness . In allowing that person to see your greatness you allow them to shine themselves. When you see their light you will truly know them. Go on give it a try ;)
Do you love what you do? Could you choose to love it? If not then for your future happiness you need to work towards moving on to live your work life with love and joy. Only then will you be free to love fully in the rest of your life. Namaste.
If you go through life loving many things, people and places you will create an energy of love that attracts more love into your life. Approach life with wonder, like a child, and verbalise what you love so as to share with other. It's infectious!
Just be sure not to be attached to your loves, they are not opinions they are how you feel, they do not need defending if someone doesn't share your love.
Just enjoy the world out there and love your life.
For those of you searching for love this is a great little "easy love spell". For those of you not familiar with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) then all you have to do is put the video on and follow Brads instructions.
Love will surely follow.
Enjoy, be love and be loved.
I recently went on a fantastic weekend seminar with the mighty Joseph McClendon III and he shared a wonderful little game you might just want to take on.
It's the game of 50ft of Love (or 15.24 metres if you're metric).
To play this game all you need to do is to send love out to anyone that comes within 50ft of you. That includes the guy who just bumped into you and the homeless woman asking you for money and your boss (especially if you are your boss).
Feel the love, send out the love, receive it back multiplied many times.
This is truly an Easy Love Spell that will bring more love into your life.