Monday 27 September 2010

Synchronicity - My Soulmate Journey - Part 1

How synchronicity worked to help me find my soulmate. Part 1 of my soulmate journey.

Tuesday 21 September 2010


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller

Helen Keller was an amazing woman who has spoken many wise words.  The quote above is especially poignant given that she was blind and deaf.  What would be perceived by many as a barrier to living, however, there were no such limitations in Helen's mind or heart and she went on to achieve many great things in her life.

Speaking above about the splendours of life that we can enjoy, she shows that she was able to flourish in this world by having an open heart and welcoming all the experiences she encountered as opportunities to learn and grow.  If we all approached life in this way then we would no doubt find more magic in our lives every day. 

There must have been times when Helen felt fearful, she could not be human without doing so, but she would not have been such an amazing woman if she had given in to those fears.  We can all learn from Helen and address ours fears.  Each step we take in confronting or simply controlling a fear makes us more courageous in every aspect of our life.  That courage is especially important in the area of love, as we all know heart-break is one of the most difficult things to handle.  So to ask for love is to put yourself in a place of vulnerability and to sustain love, unconditional love, especially is to exhibit the greatest courage of all.

I have blogged on courage on My Easy Love Spells feel free to check it out.  If you have any stories of your courage in love I would be delighted to hear them.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Mark Gungor - A humorous look at the way men and women think.

Amusing but informative look at the way men and women's brains work. The nothing box near the end is brilliant.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

In love change is inevitable

As we grow old together, As we change with age, One thing never changes. I always keep falling in love with you.

Karen Clodfelder

To ensure that you and your soulmate "keep falling in love" you need to work some magic and focus your love spells on the continuing flow of love.  Once you are together you need to set up both regular love rituals like a romantic meal once a month and maintain a regular flow of spontaneity and surprises.

Take it in turns to book a restaurant or night out that you will both enjoy and that gives you a chance to talk (a trip to the cinema can limit conversation).

Have a night each once a month (at least) where you agree that you will surprise your soulmate and vice versa.  This could be a sexy night in or a games evening where you play and laugh or going out to dance the night away.

Also, the spontaneous delivery of flowers, small gifts from the heart or selfless displays of unconditional love will help sustain the love that you have found.

The bedroom is the key place in the house to keep the love flowing.  If you are both spiritual set up a love shrine in your bedroom where you have empowering affirmations and love tokens such as a Welsh Love Spoon, or a sculpture of a couple embracing.  You could create a joint Love treasure map that contains images and words that inspire love in you both.   Ensure that the bedroom space is conducive to a harmonious relationship by keeping it clear of clutter and televisions!

Really it is important that you continue to enjoy each others company so that you can grow old together with the love light burning brightly.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Honesty - The key to the door of Love

Each time you are honest and conduct yourself with honesty, a success force will drive you toward greater success. Each time you lie, even with a little white lie, there are strong forces pushing you toward failure.
Joseph Sugarman

To be in a relationship with someone there has to be trust.  Every time you lie to a person you undermine that trust.  Take a day or even a week and notch up how many times you lie, you'll be surprised.  You could even rate the size of the lie and get a total at the end of the day.

Do this exercise a few times and your new awareness of your lie factor will allow you to conscious choose the truth and you will notice an amazing difference in your relationships and yourself.

BEWARE!!!  Telling the truth does not mean thrusting your opinion on someone.  For example just because a meal someone has cooked is not to your taste you do not express your opinion "This is disgusting!" you express your truth "This food is not to my taste.".  If you chose to lie and say you like the food then you will no doubt be getting more of the same in the future ;)

Monday 6 September 2010

Manifest your soulmate (Youtube video)

Hi, I found this great video on Youtube and had to share it with you. It takes you through a set of affirmations to some some lovely music.

If you want to manifest your soulmate you could watch this each morning and evening. While you are watching feel the emotions that you will feel when you are with your soulmate.

If you follow this practice and make sure that you are clear of baggage and open to love then you will surely connect with your soulmate.

Best wishes in your search.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Soulmates grow together

A wonderful description of love is from the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernier

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."

  This quote really hits home for me and says what a soulmate is. Yes, you can fall in love. Yes, it's often intense and passionate. But if you truly find your soulmate the love you have will continue past the passion and past the intensity. It will endure past the visual beauty that first attracts you.

  That love will be your joy as you grow old together. Your soulmate be your comfort as your life moves on and you encounter change. You will know when change happens if that person you consider to be your soulmate is inextricably entwined and with you through eternity because they will support you no matter what, your roots will have grown together.