Monday 29 November 2010

Love Altar

Do you pray at the altar of love? Do you really desire love itself or is there something else?

If you want more love in your life create a Love Altar or a Love Shrine, whatever sounds good to you.

First choose the place you want to set up your altar.  There are various ways to do this, Depending on your inclinations you can either:

  1. Follow your intuition: Which room feels right for a Love Altar, where would you regularly practice your connection to love?  Is there a particular place in your house where you just fell loved and comfortable?
  2. Use divination: There are many forms of divination you can use probably the best would be a pendulum or dowsing rod(s)
  3. Utilise Feng Shui: The ancient art of balancing the energies of any given space to assuring the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

Once you have chosen a space for your Love Altar then it is beneficial to cleanse the area and create harmonious energies for the altar space.  To cleanse you can use Sage or Sagebrush Smudge (Artemisia).

Gather everything you need for your altar.

  • A table or box to be the base (big enough to allow spell casting and to accommodate everything you want to have on it!)
  • A cloth that is rich and may be white, pink or red or reflective of love in it's pattern
  • Pairs are great if you want to become part of a couple (a pair of candles, a pair of plants, a picture of a couple that inspires you)
  • Use incense such as rose, jasmine and vanilla
  • Include a pair of similar plants to tend and grow as your love grows
  • A blessed and charged Rose Quartz crystal
  • A statue or representation of a love God/Goddess such as Venus or Cupid, choose wisely ;)

Place everything according to your preference, you can always change it later.

Create a ceremony to sanctify your altar, use incense and sound to do this and call upon your deity to bless the altar.

Ensure you repeat the ceremony once a month so that your Altar is regularly blessed.  And be sure to connect with love at your Love Altar daily, it's a great place to pray, meditate and cast love spells.

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