Friday 4 February 2011

Reconciliation - Forgiving Past Actions

There are times in all our lives when we feel regret over a split in a relationship. It may be that we realise our responsibility in the situation or that we choose to forgive the other person. Either way we are releasing ourselves from a cycle of anger and blame. When we do this we fre ourselves up again to love and be loved. Once we are free to love then reconciliation is possible. Whatever we seek in the reconciliation, just an amicable friendship or back to full-on love, it is important to be clear and honest with ourselves from the outset. In many situations like this, where you intend to get your ex back, it is important to seek one or more objective opinions to assist. You may seek to consult a psychic or seek an opinion for Tarot or Runes but whatever way you choose you must do what you can to recognise your own blindspots and expose them. Take time out to consider unconditional love and what it means to you. You will ultimately fail in your reconciliation attempt if you return to it with past baggage or try and impose new rules to protect yourself. It will only work if you open your heart and step into the relationship with a positive attitude then you are much more likely to have long and happy relationship. One way of preparing for a reconciliation is to consider a reconciliation spell. A reconciliation spell heals past wounds between you and prepares you to be open to getting back together. Once you have healed the hurts and start to focus on how great you can make the relationship you will start to notice the coincidences that will lead you back together, if that is your destiny. If the universe has something else in mind then you will need to decide on how long you will wait to get back together before you choose to move on.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog with a love spell a soul mate come in a life with a lot of happiness.
